Sunday, March 10, 2013

I Wish I had a Creative Title, but I'm Listening to Beecake...

I was going to re-title this "Sunset in Paradise," but I think Beecake is awesome enough to stay.


  1. I LOVE THIS. And the two birds in the background? AWESOME!

    1. Lol I thought you were going to say something about me listening to Beecake. haha Thanks!

    2. haha, well, you shouldn't let beecake get in the way of giving this one an awesome title.... because it's one of your best pictures. Something romantic, perhaps?
      Btw, I heard a guy that sounded exactly like beecake the other day... can't remember where...
      Ah! Why am I on here! I have to work!
      Oh yeah, because your blog is freaking awesome.... hahaha
      Seriously, I'm jealous.
